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The internet is a wonderful place for many different reasons. You can use it to connect to high-school buddies and keep in contact with friends you thought were long gone. But there’s another side to the internet, as it can also make you feel terribly older than usual! We compiled a list of things from childhood that will make you feel a lot like a pre-historic being. There are plenty of things here that seem normal to us but positively alien to other generations. How many of them do you remember? Let us know in the comments!

Television Time
Ask any kid, and they’ll have no idea what a “flat-screen TV” is. That’s because they’re so used to seeing flat TVs that all TVs are “flat screens” to them! But, back in our day, TVs used to be much bigger, thicker – and nowhere near as high-quality as the one’s today! Who else remembers getting goosebumps from touching the screen?

Instead of being flat screens, TVs were absolutely massive, like the one in the picture. However, the screens themselves were pretty small. Getting more than a few channels seemed like a luxury back then, but it’s been completely normalized now. Thankfully, the quality of the images has drastically improved as well – no more grainy black-and-white footage!