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Have you ever traveled to Europe and found yourself biting your tongue? You know, those moments where you’re just dying to tell your European friends what you really think about their culture but don’t want to be rude? Well, fear not, my friends, because we’re here to spill the tea on some things about Europe that Europeans might not be ready to hear. From their obsession with soccer to their confusing love for mayonnaise, there are some things about European culture that just leave us scratching our heads. So we thought we would share some of our observations since Europeans don’t ever have a problem sharing what they think about us…

#1: That European Summer
Whenever I hear Europeans talking about how they don’t really need air conditioning, it kind of blows my mind. I mean, how do you survive without it? Do you just sleep in a bathtub full of ice cubes or something? When all you have ever known is not having air conditioning, it makes sense they’re used to it.

But seeing as the world is only going to get warmer and warmer, these different countries might need to reconsider their hard stance on not incorporating air conditioners into their homes, office, schools, and supermarkets. We’re pretty sure it’s going to be crucial in a few more years…