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History is full of fascinating facts and nostalgic tidbits that don’t make it into the history books. Thankfully, we have photographs to document these mind-blowing pieces of history. Today, we’re diving into the weird and wonderful world of vintage images. Some of these photos show little-known historical documents. Other images are a blast from the past that might elicit some long-forgotten memories. Buckle up and get ready to learn something new with these interesting pieces of history.
#1: A Historical Vaccination Card
Can you believe this vaccination card is over a century old? It’s a fascinating peek into how things used to be and how they are still similar to our current day. If you take a closer look, it appears that this vaccination card was part of a larger inspection form for someone traveling from Russia to the United States.

The card is dated August 17, 1909, and is signed off by a doctor. It’s full of a bunch of official-looking stamps, too. Whomever this card belonged to, they were traveling on The Russian East-Asiatic Steamship. If you look along the bottom of the card, you can see hole-punches marking each day of inspection on the ship. We can’t help but wonder how this person’s life turned out when they stepped foot on American soil. Pretty neat!