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How can I adequately describe Thanksgiving to those reading this article who don’t hail from one of the handful of countries that celebrate the holiday? Imagine a holiday entirely dedicated to stuffing your face with as much food as possible. Imagine a day where overeating is not something shameful or a mistake; it is actually the entire purpose of the day. To help you understand what Thanksgiving is all about, we’ve gathered memes from around the web about Thanksgiving: what people love and hate about the holiday. If you’re already a fan of Thanksgiving, read this article while you change into your stretchiest pants to prepare for the feast to come. If you’re not, maybe this article will convince you to stuff your face with food on the fourth Thursday of November in honor of this great day.

The True Meaning of Thanksgiving
There are some people who foolishly decide to turn Thanksgiving into some sort of big production: maybe they play football in the morning, maybe they go to a movie in the evening. If that’s your jam, I’m not going to tell you that you can’t, but I think you might be missing out on the glory of Thanksgiving.

These people get it. The great thing about Thanksgiving is just sitting around, eating a massive meal, watching a movie at home, eating the leftovers of that massive meal for dinner, watching another movie, and then passing out in a turkey-fueled coma. That’s the true meaning of Thanksgiving.