She’s the Man (2006)
We said there was a theme, right? Well, if you’ve seen this romantic-comedy, you might be able to guess our next most-paused scene. What most people don’t know about the movie starring Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum, it that She’s the Man, a 2006 comedy, is in fact a modern day version of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night play. It’s true. Just like the play, main character Viola actually decides to dress up as Sebastian, her twin brother, because she needs to pass as a male.

Amanda Bynes’ character does the exact same thing in She’s the Man, although her motive is a little less picturesque. She does it to be able to play on a soccer team at school. So when Viola gets caught, she has to confirm she’s female somehow. Her way of doing this is by lifting up her shirt, and for that reason, this movie makes the list of most-paused scenes in La La Land.