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When Americans venture abroad, for better and for worse, they often bring their unique culture, customs, and, yes, stereotypes with them. From our choice of clothing to our dining preferences and social interactions, these stereotypes offer insights into the distinct characteristics that make American travelers stand out. Europeans shared some of these stereotypes, offering insights on how they can immediately identify American tourists. What’s your take? Do you agree with any of them?
#1: How You Doin’?
The phrase “How you doin’?” is a popular and friendly greeting in American pop culture, often associated with the famous catchphrase of the TV character Joey Tribbiani from Friends. As a result, using it in real-life conversation can indeed peg someone as a tourist, particularly outside the United States.

With its casual and happy tone, this distinct American expression is less commonly used in other parts of the world, where greetings tend to be more formal or culturally specific. While it may elicit a smile or even a chuckle, it can also be a telltale sign that you’re not a local, adding a touch of charm to your interactions as a traveler.