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Americans have developed something of a reputation over the years. It’s a great place to live, but that can lead a few of our fine inhabitants to decide that it’s such a magnificent country that there’s no need to learn anything about anywhere else. As an American, I can only apologize for my more foolish countrymen and assure any readers that it is by no means the entire country that is like that. However, I also cannot deny that there are definitely Americans with a sort of proud ignorance about the rest of the world. Want to see what I mean? We’ve collected stories from around the Internet that show some of the ways that some Americans are absolutely clueless about other countries. If you find yourself identifying with any of the Americans in these stories, maybe it’s time to dust off your encyclopedias and start reading.

#1: What’s a Continent?
Okay, so some people maybe weren’t great in geography class at school. Personally, I love geography, but I understand that not everyone is as riveted by the subject as I am; not everyone is terribly interested in learning about the capital of the Maldives, and that’s okay.

But I am sorry, there is no conceivable excuse for your average person who’s received a normal education not understanding the concept of a continent. I have so many questions I want to ask this person. When they hear about France, do they imagine that it’s a province within the country of Europe?